Adam Baker’S Portfolio
Located in Nashville, TN
Located in Nashville, TN
I am pursuing a long term position where I best utilize my skills and can grow with a company and improve personally. Another goal is to further develop my skills as an audio engineer first, but also provide quality work for other production departments. I bring a fresh perspective to every production to ensure that the client's expectations are met and exceeded. No matter what job, I bring a high level of commitment and passion to every production.
Freelance Production Technician
Nashville, TN — May 2023 - Present
Adam is pursuing Technician work in the departments of Audio, Lighting, and LED wall.
Nashville, TN — August 2019 - April 2023
Adam’s main focus while working for DUANE has been mixing audio for multi-day festivals. Adam also has experience operating and programming for lighting and video. DUANE has been an invaluable learning experience for Adam. This experience has taken his knowledge of production to the next level.
Audio: Mixed audio (FOH and monitors) for festivals and tours, flew Meyer line array systems, maintained and repaired all audio equipment
Video: Operated video wall systems and directed cameras for events
Lighting: Designed and operated medium sized shows on GrandMA consoles and built touring lighting rigs
Rigging and staging: Flew audio, lighting, and video systems with safety first in mind and built and designed Biljax staging systems utilizing a scaffold under structure
Management: Effectively managed stage hands to enable the safe and efficient deployment of shows, managed techs within our company to get the job done
Integration: Deployed fiber systems, built custom solutions for unique production problems, and interfaced with clients during integration projects
Nashville, TN — May 2018 - August 2019
Audio: A1 & A2 for small to medium sized events
Lighting: Deployed and operated small lighting systems
Managed stage hands for an efficient deployment of shows
Franklin, TN — May 2018 - January 2019
Followed design specifications to install complicated conferencing systems
Integrated systems for corporate and live production clients
Was able to solve unexpected challenges that came up
Built racks to designer’s specifications with clean cable runs
Interfaced with clients during the process of integration
Diploma in Audio Engineering with a focus in Live Production
Graduated March 2018
Took a course in Live Audio Reinforcement as it pertains to Musical Theater
Earned Diploma
Took four years of Technical Theater
Graduated June 2015
Photos from my time working for Duane
We just wrapped on this TV at the end of 2022. I personally mixed monitors and IFBs for artists. What a blast!
Here’s a view of the stage from above. Gallagher did an amazing job designing and building it!
This was by far one of my favorite festivals of the year. Mixing bluegrass can be challenging, but really rewarding
This was a fun one in Kansas. Lots of great bands and a great crew
This was my first festival working for Duane. His monitor engineer backed out last minute, so I had to hop on the Pro2 without ever having touched it before. Found my gain, eq, dynamics, and went to town!
Here is an in progress build shot. We provided Production and our roof. Mixed monitors for some amazing talent!
We were the full production provider for this 3 day festival. Mixed monitors and patched deck for about 15 bands total over the course of the weekend.
In our down time we worked their venue and provided a Meyer Mina array. I was blown away just 3 Minas a side can do.
We owned a StageMobil XXL mobile stage. I was the primary tech responsible for deploying this stage.
Another multi-day festival. This one was brutal due to medium to high winds causing delays and scratching our eyeballs. Safety first!
Sometimes you have to improvise a video truck in the back of your box truck… This was a mud race with side-by-sides and all sorts of off road vehicles.
During the pandemic we took all we could get. We provided the structure for a drive in movie in Franklin. Here’s me 30’ in the air and tethered in of course.
We moved warehouses in 2020 in order to cut costs. I led the project to install over 100 of these high lumen bay lights. So many terminations!
Here’s my electrical panel build. Nice and clean and everything is labeled nicely.
Set in a beautiful retreat in the woods. We provided some production for a Christian Women’s Conference.
We provided our mobile stage and production for the main stage of this competition. Unfortunately nothing too exciting was caught, but it was still a fun gig.
This shot was from one of our early gigs utilizing NovaStar’s LED wall system. I personally liked how they designed the ground support exoskeleton. Its easy to assemble, but super sturdy.
We provided LED wall for this competition. I think the final result spectacular!
We provided the main stage and production for this Vegan Festival in Chicago. The food wasn’t too shabby.
In progress build shot of the last festival of the year for us. This build was quite the challenge with the change in grade of the ground.
Another in progress shot. For our festivals we utilized a scaffolding system to fly PA and video wall in between two towers.
I was the lead on designing the cabling layout for this touring rig. It’s always important to label anything and everything to one, ensure easy and efficient deployment and two, easy troubleshooting in case problems arise.
I system teched a distributed audio system to provide better audio for MTSU football games. We had a total of 12 Meyer 1100-HPs, 24 Leopards, 4 700-HPs, and 8 Meyer Minas. A bit overkill, but the coverage was fantastic!
This festival was quite the challenge with what felt like constant thunderstorms. However, we kept at it and pulled off a fantastic show.
Typically monitor engineers can’t just up and leave to get food so road cases tend to be my lunch table.